

Tags archives: win at local area marketing

  • Failure to launch, what small business can learn from the experts Your small business can learn a lot from how NASA prepared for a rocket launch. The countdown is a carefully devised set of procedures ending with not only a successful launch but a successful mission. The countdown is a sequence of backward counting to indicate the time remaining before an event is scheduled to occur and is commonly used by NASA during the preparation for a rocket launch, and it include what milestones to watch for to ensure a successful result. During countdown, NASA’s team bring the rocket to the launch site and load it with the payload, while the Launch-center communicates with important sensors on the rocket. What checks does your small business have in place to make sure your product and or serv[...]

  • Are you find it hard to get your business found? Are you looking for a Local Area marketing Strategy that works? Local Area Marketing (LAM) is the process of identifying, designing and implementing a range of marketing initiatives in your local community that result in positive engagement with individuals, groups, organisations, local businesses, and both customers and affiliates to create and maintain a hometown advantage over your competitors. A successful Local Area Marketing should consist of a number of core elements such as: A local networking and affiliate relationship building strategy Local Google My Business presence, this is easy to set up, simply register for a google account and set up you g+ and get your business verified. Doing this and using Google plus will help[...]

  • Being customer focused does not mean you are being customer centric   In other words your business is either focused on how you can help your customer v’s how together your customers can help you build your business. When customers experience any brand, they always ask the question, “What’s in it for me?” before they purchase or engage. A customer-focused local area marketing strategy makes the answer(s) to this question obvious as it helps the franchise or local business to offer a reciprocally loyal experience. Although there is truth and necessity behind both marketing strategies, you have to give in order to get to build a reciprocal relationship between your strategic alliances and your target customers. Often this can take months of nurturing to yield results that y[...]

  • Here is the Official Biggest Loser's guide to create a better marketing plan. Shape up, Look good, Have fun and start generating more leads anytime you like. This is a Tragic tale of an out of shape businesses that gained weight over winter, became unmotivated due to slowing sales and needed get into shape for the summer business season. Hey wait a minute, does this sound like your business? Are you feeling a little disillusioned, disheartened and lacking direction on how to move forward? You are not alone, if you are really serious about being in business then: It’s time to reflect and weigh in, Biggest loser style. It's time to turn on the camera and tell yourself how you let your business get this way, it used to be fast fit and exciting which is why you have invested so much t[...]

  • Did you know that there are more than 101 Local Area Marketing Secrets you can start using today? Here is the first secret you need to know. You need to think about how can you get your target customers to see something that’s usually routine, "normal" or boring, as unique, quirky, fresh and creative? You need to be constantly looking for ways to get people to stop and say, “Hey, that’s cool! No ones done that before!” Here you go, now start getting creative. ¿ Put some fun into your paperwork. ORIGAMI anyone? HSBC printed origami folding instructions on the back of its ATM receipts. You could print jokes, cartoons or fun facts. That’s what fun brands do: they are always looking for ways to liven up mundane processes and objects. ♤ Get a professional website, yep i[...]

  • Here is the secret to learning how to win at local area marketing, what you need to do. We know lead generation is a numbers game, but what if you could stack the odds in your favor? Local Area Marketing is not as simple as sticking some flyers around the local neighbourhood, although that does help, or attending the local BNI each week and waiting for the leads to start rolling in. Local Area Marketing is about connecting your business with its local community. Workslocal has made it our mission to turn local area marketing into an art form. Step one, is creating a clear picture of who your target market is, obvious I know, but a lot of businesses we help think everyone should want to buy their widget "insert product / service here". As in our article "the power of no[...]