What your small business needs to know and how NASA can help.
Failure to launch, what small business can learn from the experts
Your small business can learn a lot from how NASA prepared for a rocket launch. The countdown is a carefully devised set of procedures ending with not only a successful launch but a successful mission.
The countdown is a sequence of backward counting to indicate the time remaining before an event is scheduled to occur and is commonly used by NASA during the preparation for a rocket launch, and it include what milestones to watch for to ensure a successful result.
During countdown, NASA’s team bring the rocket to the launch site and load it with the payload, while the Launch-center communicates with important sensors on the rocket. What checks does your small business have in place to make sure your product and or service is relevant to your target customer?
Launch personnel monitor the weather and wait for the “perfect launch window”. Does your business have controls in place looking for changes in the business environment and changing your strategy accordingly?
It is the job of the security personnel on the ground to prevent unauthorized entry to the “keep-out” area.
The procedures for each launch are written carefully, these documents are living documents, which reflect new issues and solutions as they develop. Do you have a set of written operating guidelines that you and other can follow. Do you have a business and marketing plan? If not, Why not?
Each mission is different and proceeding with the countdown depends on several factors, such as the proper launch window, weather that permits a safe launch, and the rocket and payload working properly.
If there are signs of a problem a “Hold” is placed on the launch while they investigate and fix the problems. If your initial tests are not going as planned hold of rushing into launching until you have resolved the issues.
Question is, if NASA is doing a pre-launch and post launch checklist before going off into the relatively unknown, What procedures do you have in place for your business when either starting out or launching a new product or service?
Do you have a pre launch checklist to ensure you maximise your chance of success? If not what are you going to do to make sure your small business is successful?
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