

Tags archives: Business Mentor

  • Here is the secret to learning how to win at local area marketing, what you need to do. We know lead generation is a numbers game, but what if you could stack the odds in your favor? Local Area Marketing is not as simple as sticking some flyers around the local neighbourhood, although that does help, or attending the local BNI each week and waiting for the leads to start rolling in. Local Area Marketing is about connecting your business with its local community. Workslocal has made it our mission to turn local area marketing into an art form. Step one, is creating a clear picture of who your target market is, obvious I know, but a lot of businesses we help think everyone should want to buy their widget "insert product / service here". As in our article "the power of no[...]

  • Why Local Area Marketing is the secret to success. Small businesses are starting to truly embrace “local area marketing.” But most don't really understand what it means, it is not just printing some fliers and posting them in letter boxes, it goes much deeper than that. In the past simply sponsoring your local football team with a sign on the fence or your name on the back of the jumpers, showing up at the local chamber of commerce meeting or putting an advert in the local school newsletter then stepping back and you are done!” Well, not quite. A well thought out  Local Area Marketing strategy is the key to your businesses success. In the USA we seen people standing on the side of the road majestically twirling banners, here in Australia our sidewalks are populated with A-[...]